Watch the video of our homestay trip and all the activities we do...

Have you ever wanted your children to have the opportunity to stay in England?

To be in a safe and fun environment with a lovely English family?

To live and speak English like English people do?

To visit and learn about many interesting and fun new places? you can!

England homestay is an opportunity of a lifetime for children between the ages of 11 and 16 years old to go to England during their school holidays. Staying in an English home in Surrey, in the beautiful countryside of the South East of England, your children will be totally absorbed by the English way of life and exposed to the language, English customs, foods and activities.

The time that your children will be with us will be one of the most rewarding of their young lives as they receive a fantastic learning experience and an understanding of English life as it is really lived.

We offer a completely unique homestay programme.

England Homestay is organised by Ardent English Co., Ltd. Our homestay programme is based in Surrey in the South East of England. We provide a great environment to improve your child's English while undertaking many fun activities and daytrips. This combined with the opportunity for your child to live with a real English family makes this the BEST homestay in England.

We have in the past taken children to England for homestay trips. They all had a great time, became more confident, and improved their English.

Dates of forthcoming England Homestays

NEXT TRIP: April - May 2021